Secrets ways to go into labor now!
Being a licensed massage
therapist and specializing in pregnancy massage I’ve had quite a few clients
that will do anything and everything to go into labor! From just being
uncomfortably whale-like, to having an induction scheduled the next week, to
your mom is in town for only 2 weeks. Whatever the reason, women want baby to
come now, now, NOW! The things I will list aren’t guaranteed to put you into
labor, but it does work for many women! Also keep in mind that your baby will
usually come when he is ready. That being said, you can prepare your body and
get any sluggish signals the boot so you will have your new baby in your arms
sooner, rather than later!
*Please note that you should
consult your doctor/midwife before doing any of these.
Eat your way to a quicker, easier labor!
First things first, what to start eating at 37 weeks to get your uterus ready!
First things first, what to start eating at 37 weeks to get your uterus ready!
One of the most important things is to make sure
you aren’t constipated. You need to eat lots and lots of fiber. Veggies and
oatmeal are my favorite way
leaf tea: If you aren’t already, drink 2-3 mugs a day (Should be safe to
drink anytime)
Herbs and
spices; thyme, basil, and oregano. Try and use fresh if you can
eat every single day! Best eaten fresh and raw, even chew on the core or put it
in a smoothie.
Start eating at 36 weeks. 96% of the women who ate dates went into labor on
their own. (study published in the Journal of Obstetrics and
Gynaecology )
licorice: Try to get the natural kind - it contains more licorice and
usually less sugar. Like castor oil, some people claim that the slightly
laxative effect can cause cramps in the bowel which lead to contractions.
foods: When you are really ready for baby to come, a lot of women eat Chinese
food and spicy foods.
Next up it’s your partners job to help. What got baby in
there can get baby out! Make sure to have your doctor’s permission.
Nipple stimulation - A study out of
Britain showed breast stimulation worked as well as Pitocin induced childbirth.
The optimal amount was 15 minutes on and 45 minutes off for up to 4 hours.
Sperm - If you feel up to sex, this is a
good start towards getting ready for labor. The sperm helps soften and dilate
the cervix. Lifting your hips afterwards also helps
Other methods:

Swing those hips baby!
swinging, bumpy car ride, bouncing on birth ball, squatting, galloping,
anything that makes you move! Please don’t
exhaust yourself though, labor is tiring enough!
sage essential oil: Rub on your belly and on the insides of your ankles.
Use only pure oils
oil: there is some debating on this one, but I personally believe it can’t
hurt to try. I did this with my second and worked like a charm. I drank it
mixed in a chocolate shake and could barely taste it! FYI-It will clean you out. If you don’t want
to drink it, try a castor-oil pack.
Relaxation exercises - Try some relaxing
music and just lie back or even join a meditation class. (Worrying too much
about going into labor can STOP it! So don’t stress, your baby will come when
he/she is ready!)
I saved the best for last:
˃ Get
a massage! Many massage therapists
know the labor inducing massage points. I have developed my own special
Kick-Start-Labor massage that includes acupressure, reflexology, and relaxation
techniques. I have even had clients go into labor on my table! I am also a
doula, so know what to expect with labor and delivery and I sometimes give
advice if clients ask.
˃ Acupuncture: look up acupressure points
to induce labor online or go to a licensed acupuncturist. They use tiny
needles, so no need to worry.
My personal feelings are that
you need to try doing as much as you can, because you never know what will send
you over the edge and into labor. If you try every single thing and nothing
works. Take a bath and relax, baby will come out when ready.