Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Madalynn's Birth Story

The whole reason I started to blog is because I wanted to share my stories about my two daughters. I love being a mom!
My first daughter, Olivia, came two weeks early, so with my second daughter I was hoping she'd come early as well. On a Thursday about 11 days before my due date, I started having contractions around 7pm. I got really excited and called my mom and sis-in-law. They came over a few hours later and my mom made me a special dinner I had planned. I was really organized and had a written out home labor plan, including acupressure/reflexology, a long bath, a special dinner, walks to the park etc. I had studied hypnobirthing and wanted to do this one natural. After a few hours of labor my contractions started fizzling off and on every couple hours. I didn't get much sleep, but managed a few hours. The contractions were on and off all night and the next day. They stopped all together at 8pm on Friday night. I was able to sleep all Friday night. Saturday I went on doing normal things without any contractions. Dennis and I even had a couple of friends over to play games. At 9pm contractions started up again. This time they were more intense, but I figured they'd stop just like before. I continued playing games. The contractions kept coming and getting stronger. I finally decided to call my mom. She was my Doula and has had experience delivering babies, so she knows her stuff. I told her I thought the contractions would stop soon, but either way I'd keep her posted. A little while later I called her and told her I was having a hard time talking through the contractions, so maybe she should come over. Meanwhile Dennis and our friends are watching James Bond. I didn't tell him that the contractions were very bad. I was on the birth ball trying to breath through each contraction. When my mom got there around 11:30 she could tell I was definitely progressing and needed to start the hypnobirthing relaxation. We kicked our friends out and put on relaxing music. At this point I was having a really hard time relaxing. The only way I could get through was by leaning forward on the birth ball and having my mom tell me the Well visual. Basically the visual is that Olivia and I are in the bottom of a well and the contractions are a rope around my stomach pulling us both to safety. I have to relax or Olivia will freak out and fall. It worked really well and helped me relax. At this point, however, I start thinking to myself maybe I should get an epidural... about 10 minutes later my mom recommended I change positions to a standing dancing position, supported by Dennis. The contractions continued to get worse and were pretty bad at this point. I sat down feeling like I had to go to the bathroom (later my mom explained this feeling was me needing to push).  I told my mom this, and she asked Dennis to get the hospital bag and we headed to the hospital. We only live about 4 minutes away. When we got to the hospital, Dennis jumped out and left the car running (my mom offered to park the car).  When we first walked in the guard said, "wheelchair?" which was exactly what the guard said when I walked in during labor with Oliva.  Wow, they know the drill!  Anyways, I got to the room and stripped down as fast as I could, got the robe on, and got in bed.

The nurse casually checked me to discover I was fully dilated and fully effaced! They weren't so casual anymore.  They called my doctor, but explained he probably wouldn't have time to get there... and they were right.  It was left to the on-call doctor to do the delivery. My water hadn't broke yet, which was why I was feeling so much pressure. The doctor tried to make me push in the stirups, but I made him let me push in side lying (ok, really it was Dennis and my mom that made sure he did what was on the birth plan). Now with Olivia, I was pushing for 3 hours. With Madalynn I pushed a couple times, and she was crowning.  The doc broke my water and I continued to push. I didn't expect the pushing to hurt, but it sure did. After only a couple minutes she was born! Dennis was able to cut the cord. He was such a help and comfort through the whole thing. I was able to hold Maddy right away, I expected her to be covered in blood and all of that, but she was relatively clean. Other than an initial cry, she didn't make a peep, except for cute cooing sounds.  It was an awe inspiring experience to deliver naturally and to hold her right after. She started nursing right away and latched on without a problem (she is such a good eater). She was born on Sunday morning, 8 days early, at 12:58 am - And only 11 minutes after I arrived at the hospital! She was a tiny baby, smaller than Olivia, even though she was born a week later than her.  She was 5lbs 11oz and 19 in long. Also, she was so cute - While my mom was holding her, Dennis was talking to me and she was straining to look over at daddy.  Dennis called my brother Joey, who helped me into the car not more than 30 minutes ago and told him that Madalynn was born. He thought we were joking since I just left the house. The whole experience was amazing. I loved doing it natural and the recovery was so much better! Olivia is 2 and she loves her little sister. She is always kissing her on top of her head and asking "where's baby?" Lol. I love being a mommy to two little angels.  And my husband was such a big help, I couldn't have done it without him!

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