Sunday, July 15, 2012


Today was Madalynn's first day at church! I was excited to have my two girls with me and decided to put them in pink outfits and I even wore a pink shirt to match. My hubby was sick, so I got to take Olivia and Maddy to church by myself. Not easy! Good thing Livey goes to nursery for most of the time. After church I went to pick up Livey at nursery and boy was she hyper, probably because church happens to be right at nap time. I'm trying to hold onto a hyper two year old and a sleeping newborn all at the same time. So I let Livey go to put Maddy in her carseat and two seconds later she's gone. It took me about 7 minutes and asking lots of people if they saw a little girl in a pink dress go by to find her. Finally my neighbor found her up behind the piano in the chapel. I hope my husband is never sick on Sundays again!  But on the positive side, everyone loved Madalynn and told me how beautiful she was, which I was inclined to agree with :)

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