Saturday, November 17, 2012

Breaking Dawn Part II

Don't read this if you haven't seen Breaking Dawn Part II yet!!
My wonderful parents and Bryon were able to watch Olivia and Madalynn while Dennis and I went on a date to see the movie.

Ok, so Dennis and I went to see the last of the Twilight saga tonight at the Scera theatre. First off, I'd recommend anyone in the Provo/Orem area go there. No lines, only $7 and no tax.

Now to the movie. Everything is going great and I love how everything is coming together. I like the girl they chose for Renesmee. My favorite scene was when Bella was furious at Jacob for imprinting on her daughter. I thought that was really well done.

Now near the end of the movie we get to the meadow. Alice comes and talks to Aro and then the huge fight breaks out and Carlisle dies immediately! That got me so angry I was clenching my fists and tensing my shoulders. Then all the vampires and wolves are fighting together. Bella is trying to protect certain people with her shield, but she can't protect all of them. A few wolves died and I almost wanted to cry, but was to angry to. I almost got up and walked out of the movie theater. I kept on trying to think of why the movie was so off of the book. I had just finished reading the last book only the night before with all of the details fresh in my mind. Then Jasper dies and I finally figured it out. Alice was showing Aro a vision of what would happen. I leaned over and told Dennis, but I still had some doubt. Lastly Bella and Edward kill Aro and they start to burn his body. Whoosh, back to Alice showing Aro her vision and nobody is dead. Everyone in the theater reacted. Most laughed or say "Ohhhh" once everything clicked into place. I couldn't really enjoy the rest of the movie because of my pent up emotions. I had read all of the books and watched all of the movies waiting for the last one to come out. I'm not sure why I reacted so much. After the movie I vented to Dennis and explained how pissed off I was during the movie when they killed Carlisle. He of course thought the movie was awesome with a lot of sweet fighting. Funny this is, I warned him before it started that there was hardly any fighting in the book. I guess the director wanted the guys to really like the movie too.
Basically I think I was too emotionally involved in the movie to actually enjoy it and want to go see it again knowing the fight scene is fake. Then I might actually enjoy the movie.

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